Genesis 19:8
"Behold now, I have two daughters which have no known man; let me I pray bring them out to you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof."
According to this ancient tale about a sheepherder who is living in a city called Sodom, god sends angels to convince Lot to leave the city and travel elsewhere. Lot is living with his wife and two daughters. The angels did not protest when Lot offered his daughters to become victims of gang rape. Lot is revered as a prophet by muslims and jews, but the muslims exclude the part of the story where Lot's daughters get daddy drunk and have sex with him in order to preserve the lineage of the tribe. In the Old Testament "Thou shalt not Kill" applied only within the tribe and did not apply outside the tribe. In the story we are supposed to believe that God rained fire and brimstone and killed all the inhabitants of the cities and on the plains as his judgement agains their sins. As Lot's family was fleeing the city the angels told them to not "look back" (vs 17) and escape to the mountains as God was going to destroy the city. But Lot's wife looked back and God turned her into a pillar of salt. Lot's daughters were terrified and felt like their only hope was to great pregnant by their father in order to preserve the family line. As the story goes they got their father drunk and he had sex with him. They got pregnant and they both had son's.
From a woman's perspective this story details how little Lot thought of his daughter's. At a point of conflict with the men of the city the only thing he thought of was to offer his daughter's up to the men of the city for gang rape. As this story has been handed down over thousands of years it points to what little value daughters and women had to these ancient men. In the story, Lot is important enough for God to send angel's to deliver him from fire and brimstone and destruction. He is a prophet. We are supposed to believe Lot became so drunk that he did not know he was having sex with his own daughter's. And lastly, the harshness of the immediate death of Lot's wive for the simple act of looking behind her to see what was going on between God and the city she called home was worthy of instant death. The women of this story are not protected, are given no mercy, and do not fare well at all. The women are traumatized, judged and put to death by God. Lot's wife was not valuable enough to preserve and his daughter's were victims of incest in which they are blamed.
The moral of the story is God's extraordinary measure of sending "angels" to deliver Lot out of an "evil" city. In ancient times it was imperative that everyone lived in a tribe in order to preserve traditions and beliefs. The whole moral of the story is that God has "special" people that he goes to extraordinary measures to take care of and the rest of the world he does not care about. This is called "exceptionalism". Being a part of a "preferred" religious group that God approves of gives you an extraordinary measure of God's favor necessary for survival. Humanity outside the exceptional group is doomed. This ideology is pervasive in modern day christianity, judaism and islam. Whole groups of people believe their beliefs are exceptional and their group is exceptional and that God views them as special and deserving of favor and deliverance from hell. This story was no doubt useful for centuries to keep the tribal lineage and tribal lore intact, and has been useful to keep people rigidly in fear of God's judgement and anger against people who disobey in the slightest way. (Lot's wife) Lot as the patriarch was given a pass. He was not corrected when he offered his daughters to be raped. He was not corrected for becoming drunk and impregnating his daughter's. The women of the story were traumatized and judged. It is only in the past century that women have won some rights. Male dominated religions and male dominated cultures have kept women from equality for centuries. How do you see women as dominated even today by the church and society? Does the pope care about women's rights? Are male pastors willing to see women as equal? Why has the equal rights amendment failed to be ratified and obstructed by the "moral majority" and women such as Phyllis Shafly and Beverly LaHaye? Has Sarah Palin used the feminist movement to her benefit, but denies girls sex education and birth control even within her own family? The current republican candidate for Senate in Nevada does not believe victims of rape and incest have a right to terminate their pregnancy as the pregnancy is an "act of God's will". She has obviously not been a victim of rape or incest and forced to carry and deliver and raise a baby from these crimes. This is fake feminism for it does not value the women's rights. Fear of God's wrath and fear of certain doom drive our society today. Michelle Duggar has 19 children because she is afraid not having children is against God's will for her. She sees herself as useful only as it pertains to bearing children and claims she will not stop even if it means her death. She is no doubt influenced by Lot's wife and Lot's daughter's who felt they only had value to God by birthing children. All the above mentioned women work very hard at being "exceptional" and "favored" to the harm to those around them.
I am not a Christian, I am a deist, but I was raised to be a Christian. This story has always been a problem for me and I'm glad you point out the ugly truth in the story. Aside from a father offering up his daughters to be viciously gang raped instead of two strangers, angels or not, the issue of the cave makes the story even darker. Is is not the oldest lie child rapists use to say they were drunk and the child seduced them? Sounds more like he got drunk and "blacked out" and then raped one daughter one night and the other the next night. And then when they were discovered by other survivors of the meteor storm, Lot told them the lie and then the two daughters were banished with their children by the same father who not only offered them to be raped, but then later raped them. And who's to say that Lot didn't kill his own wife? But that is a whole other story.