Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pat Robertson anti-woman quote

"(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." –Pat Robertson

A compilation of the stupid things Pat Robertson has said since he began bloviating on TV since 1961 would be encyclopedic.  It is hard to imagine how he has dominated the airways for 50 years and amassed a personal wealth of over a billion dollars from closing his eyes and claiming to "talk" to and "hear" directly from God.  He practically, singlehandedly ushered in the neo pentecostal movement where believers on any given day also claim to know divine thoughts and intent.  On any given Sunday an unsuspecting visitor to any number of non-denominational/pentecostal churches will witness speaking in "tongues", "claims of healing", the casting out of demons and claims of divine intent on their life.  Who can argue against an "experience" whether there is any evidence of any of it is in fact reality.  The neopentecostal "show" has changed church going forever.  Ordinary people walk around with their bibles  and expound to one another from unprovable statements that begin with "thus saith the Lord", or "God told me to tell you"...such and such.   Everyone gets by with it....especially Pat Robertson.  People listen and give lots of money to people who claim to speak to God, hear from God and tell others all their revelations whether they are provable or not.  Women seeking equality and social justice could count on Pat Robertson to speak against such a noble cause.  "Godly men" through the ages have failed to see the value in women having equality with men.   They and their organizations are "anti-woman" and have lead a confused following of doting women.  It is the "faithful flock" of women followers  who give financial support to  pastors, teachers, televangelists and politicians that ultimately keep women's equality unequal. It is women who listen to leaders who teach them to go against their own best self interest and the self interest of women around them.  I suppose we will know when equality has arrived when men such as Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson no longer dominate the airways with vitreol and disdain for women and their movement and women no longer serve as the main donors of their "hate speech" airways.

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